The Cellino Group is f煙文ully aware of how important it 購爸is to maintain customer confidenc呢能e and loyalty. When c到麗hoosing Cellino, you ca黑地n be sure that you are purcha腦長sing an extraordinar商鐘y
pasta whose production undergoes s雨舞tringent controls designed to 司街check operations as well as quality開見 and safety standards.
This certainty is backed up 人區by the investment of resources t讀歌o ensure that production remain低亮s state-of-the-art, because g算城rowth is a consequenc錢水e of daily commitment. The pasta facto河綠ry produces 85,000 tons o些區f pasta a year for 40 priv如煙ate labels and Pasta Celli西間no. Taking pride of 畫讀place is the Gusto&Tradi友學zione line with 17 bronze extrud我能ed pasta shapes. Ther都習e’s no limit if you real多厭ly want something and the鐵個 Cellino Group is a good e內得xample of how passion comb電道ined with hard work ca妹相n take you a long way.一坐
The Cellino wheat jou綠雪rney involves careful and constant知小 product analysis aimed at guarante請謝eing certified quality and safety fro對得m the wheat to the table. 制市The work carried out in t員影he laboratory, the real hea制還rt of the company is crucial. In th計讀e Simec Mill, quality begins with the s體了election and qualification of suppliers門友. Their technical, qualitativ服林e, and managerial reliability is有聽 observed constantly to ensure that the嗎務 standards of supplies always c美紙omply with
company needs.Guaranteeing a鐘坐 quality system and operating accor男都ding to its principles means respect紙道ing the regulations in food safety an為懂d, beyond all, ensuring th東睡e highest possible
technological level. More specific科費ally, the quality of the products is v站山erified through cutt樹化ing-edge tools and the analysis of raw在通 materials (specific weight, mo的歌isture, proteins, ashes). The 畫月verification process goe飛場s through the study and devel員影opment of the best wheat blends n長裡ecessary to satisfy all consumer reque跳還sts. Finally, and thanks to constan區件t research, the process is essentia腦筆l to offer innovative and high-qua業劇lity products to an i爸見ncreasingly demanding market.

Mailing Address: Room 300門火3,Taifu center,No.111 Ta坐放ikang Road, Guangzhou,志草China
Tel: 0086 20-83221260
Fax: 0086 20-83221261
Email: info@guanyifoods.com
Shanghai office:
Mailing Address:Room A311, BLDG女醫 A, 215 Gaochao Road, Jiading Distri通熱ct, Shanghai Province, China
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