Olive oil "liquid gold"間現, "vegetable oil queen",匠外 "Mediterranean nectar"
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- Time of issue:2021-11-08 10:13
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Olive oil "liquid gold", "跳拍vegetable oil queen", 公對"Mediterranean nectar"
- Categories:Food articles
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- Time of issue:2021-11-08 10:13
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Olive oil has a history of th技快ousands of years in the c草土ountries along the Med員哥iterranean. It is known a議自s "liquid gold", "房這;vegetable oil queen", and "黃麗;Mediterranean nectar" in 街知the West. The reason li讀長es in its excellent natural he船嗎alth benefits, beauty effec鐘現ts and ideal cooking. u船但se. The edible high-grad服關e olive oil is natural fruit oi但兵l juice extracted from the 美計first ripe or mature olive短電 fruits through phys靜時ical cold pressing process. It is the西習 only woody vegetable oil in the wo雜裡rld for human consumpt算對ion in its natural state.
Virgin olive oil, or natural olive資和 oil, is the oil obtained directly 長離from fresh olive fruit小用s by mechanically cold press子跳ing, filtering and other 高藍treatments to remove fo議師reign matter. The cold pressing meth做小od is to directly squeeze the 鐵行olive fruit through physical 服暗machinery. The principle is都水 the same as that of s南船ome families using j信城uice squeezers to squeeze juice. 購看The olive oil extracted by this met很見hod is natural and pure, and the nutri舞書tion is not damaged in any way.場錢
According to different 從朋acidity, it can be divided into dif腦對ferent grades. Extra Virgi現和n olive oil (Extra Virgin): It 外微is the highest grade and highes花視t quality olive oil, and it is a pu土慢re natural product. The tas舞科te is excellent, with a delicate 明市and pleasant plant fragrance, and 章土the acidity does not exceed 1%來紙. Extra virgin olive oil with an aci道都dity of no more than 0.8% is th下窗e best quality olive oil. It is the f什坐irst time to squeeze 黃草the purely physical and 遠拿mechanical squeezing method新作 directly from the ripe fr影兵esh olive fruits. After filtering an物化d other treatments to remove the for門熱eign matter, the juic坐熱e is obtained without any chemi分科cal treatment during the processi河少ng process, without any pres子那ervatives and additives. Thi大刀s kind of olive The oil has a 玩媽unique fragrance and is suitable 農去for direct consumption or as cold dis商得hes.
Olive oil is rich in mon腦雜ounsaturated fatty a街一cids, namely oleic acid, linoleic a黃秒cid, linolenic acid, as well as vit師老amin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, 道書vitamin E, vitamin K and antio視用xidants. Olive oil is considered to be訊秒 the most suitable for human nutritio線長n among the fats and oils兵學 found so far.
At present, amo暗習ng the main olive oil producing 妹跳countries, Spain accounts for o醫可ne-third of the world's total 紅通output, Italy one-fourth,高答 Greece one-fifth, and美城 other oil-producing countries inc金司lude Turkey, Syria, Portugal, France, E長好gypt and so on. According to 很好statistics, Greece’s extra外自-virgin olive oil accounts for 75%火兵 of the country’s olive oil pro舊們duction, Italy’s 50%, and Spain還長 only 30%. The reason fo討線r the good quality lies in the tree s靜上pecies, climate, latitude and oth到湖er geographical conditions.
How to identify
1. Good olive oil has the foll術務owing characteristics:
The properties of olive oil are clos友船ely related to the oil produc訊服tion process. High-quality oli外東ve oil is produced by cold pres不中sing and needs to be separ見訊ated from low pressure to h嗎公igh pressure. The low-pressure first 南視virgin olive oil is li照區ght yellow in color and is 高多the most ideal oil f術行or cold dressing and cooking.日農
View: The oil body is transl還妹ucent, thick, light yellow, yel雨藍low-green, blue-green, bl黃資ue, to blue-black. The dark跳家 olive oil has high acid va是習lue and poor quality. The pigme樂亮nt and other nutrients in the refin能海ed oil are destroyed.
Smell: There is a fruity fragrance知明, and different tree s時兵pecies have different fruit fl吃機avors. The taster can 輛裡even distinguish 32 different olive f答就ruit fragrances such as licorice, cr票新eam, fruit, chocolate, etc.
Taste: The taste is smooth, with a 睡海slight bitterness, and spicy taste.好做 There is a clear sensation a快內t the back of the throat, and the s可紅picy taste is lagging behind.
2. Bad olive oil has the following土子 characteristics:
View: The oil is mixe白物d and lacks translucent lu些員ster, indicating that it has been信銀 left for a long time and begins to腦司 oxidize. The color is light, feels ve工影ry thin, not thick, indicating 電筆that it is refined oil or blended oi吧聽l.
Smell: There are stale錯市 smell, musty smell,謝站 muddy smell, wine sour tas科弟te, metallic taste, hala taste 道煙and other peculiar smells. It mean農唱s that the quality of the藍西 olive fruit has gone樂開 bad, or there is a prob筆跳lem with the raw material of t筆那he olive fruit, or it 章河has been improperly stored.
Taste: There is a pe笑水culiar smell, or there is no smell at說車 all. Explain the dete答樂rioration, or refined oil or blende明答d oil.
Preserved olive oil
If olive oil is stored in a cool an這街d dark place (the best storage t理生emperature: 5~15℃), the shelf li刀火fe is usually 24 month道車s. The preservation o那現f olive oil should pay attentio我綠n to four aspects:
1) Avoid strong light, 東不especially direct sunlight.樂劇
2) Avoid high temperatures.拍說
3) Be sure to cover the bottl分影e cap after use to avoid o雜電xidation.
4) Do not store in ordinary metal uten對們sils, otherwise, over time, ol時費ive oil will react wit木笑h metals and affect the oil quality.
Health value
1. Promote blood circulation
Olive oil can prevent arterioscle火坐rosis and complications of art草公eriosclerosis, high blood pressure亮分, heart disease, heart failure, k章做idney failure, and cereb從體ral hemorrhage. In the book 得子"Omega Health. A Simple an店小d Easy Longevity Plan" writte他喝n by Dr. Artemis Simopoulos, it is紙關 mentioned that the omega-6很年 fatty acids in edible o空問il will shrink the arteries, 服開thereby forcing the heart to 外訊overload. Work, causing high b視她lood pressure. The omega-3 fatty acids 我關in olive oil can increase the 跳票amount of nitric oxide, an imp黑科ortant chemical substan如秒ce, which can relax your arteries城上 and prevent arterial dam分錯age caused by high b身對lood pressure. In addition女農, omega-3 fatty acids can also prev紅音ent the formation of blood clots 答可in two ways. First, it can reduce the紙秒 viscosity of platelets, making it di和這fficult for platelets and fibrinogen to線海 entangle; second, omega-3對愛 fatty acids can reduce the amount o中鄉f fibrinogen, which greatly reduce飛東s the chance of thrombos物年is.
2. Improve the function of the北能 digestive system
Olive oil contains more unsaturated他光 fatty acids than any vegetable說讀 oil, rich vitamins A, D, E, F, K, c做司arotene and other fat-solub做購le vitamins and antioxid數聽ants. It does not contain chole訊技sterol, so the human body The 短木digestion and absorption rat問自e is extremely high. It has the functi微錢on of reducing gastric acid and p要可reventing the occurrence of ga嗎錢stritis and duodenal u玩間lcer; it can stimulate bile 謝坐secretion, stimulate the activity of pa行讀ncreatic enzymes, degrade oil, and動河 be absorbed by the 街答intestinal mucosa to reduce the occurr弟月ence of cholecystitis and gallstones錢劇. It also has the func師著tion of moisturizing the intestines匠著, and long-term consumption 也動can effectively relieve constipati多年on.
3. Protect the skin
Olive oil is rich in 可也squalene and essential fatty acids with間林 excellent skin affinity. It is a街畫bsorbed quickly and effectiv通店ely maintains skin elasticity an門黑d moisturizing. Olive oil美技 is rich in monounsatu服報rated fatty acids and vitamins E, K, A科會, D, etc. Phenolic antioxidant廠離s can be absorbed by爸自 the skin, moisturiz土話e and nourish the skin, make th都樹e skin smooth and elastic, promote友學 blood circulation and skin metabolis兵能m, help lose weight, reduce wrink姐能les, delay aging, eliminate facial 朋道wrinkles, and prevent skin a理信ging. It has the functi視媽ons of skin care and h訊暗air care and prevention of h拍湖and and foot chapped. It is a beauty an就見d skin care product that can be &身做quot;eaten". In ad志間dition, applying olive oil 輛去to the skin can fight ultravio物對let rays and prevent skin canc我不er. It has excellent per很民meability and contains extremely 看去high vitamins and minerals. Accelera電從te the treatment of ski女機n damage and eczema, suita土匠ble for dry and aging skin. O但數live oil is obtained by squeezing th不土e oil. It contains a lot of u靜如nsaturated fatty acids. 自自Edible (referring to edible olive o近銀il) has a good effect on heart dis快錯ease and has a funct下紅ion of alleviating sunbu跳自rn. It can be used for w東民eight loss, aging and愛樂 sunburn. deal with.
4. Improve the functi聽國on of the endocrine s水木ystem
Olive oil can improve the機還 metabolism of organi有你sms. This is because olive oil c日雜ontains more than 80% mo服拍nounsaturated fatty acids and omega-購算3 fatty acids, and th城我e DHA in omega-3 fatty acids can說林 increase insulin sens光上itivity. When the content of uns費物aturated fatty acids in the cell membra很暗ne is higher, the double The gr高相eater the number of keys, the greater 就術their mobility. DHA, which ha舊又s 6 double bonds, is the most unsatu日讀rated fatty acid, so it makes the c鐵通ell membrane the most active. 喝現The more active cell membrane insu物房lin receptors are, the more sensitiv化謝e they are to insulin. 新窗When the human body consume朋體s an appropriate proport近家ion of fatty acids, t就坐he metabolism becomes mo唱一re normal, and the chances of obesity a樂討nd diabetes are reduce哥錯d. The latest research results sho水內w that after healthy p遠章eople consume olive 現拿oil, the glucose conten公雜t in the body can be海女 reduced by 12%. Therefore, 員些olive oil has become the best edible了國 oil for the prevention機街 and control of diabetes.他高
5. Benefits to the skeletal system
The natural antioxidants and ome門間ga-3 fatty acids in olive oil help the外頻 human body to absorb minerals such a女微s calcium, phosphorus, zinc習下, etc., which can promote bo新村ne growth. In addition, omega-3 fatty從下 acids help maintain bo計輛ne density and reduce free ra友數dicals. (Highly active m厭媽olecules) cause bone loss.
6. Anti-cancer effect
Because olive oil is rich in monouns個土aturated fatty acids and polyunsaturat頻懂ed fatty acids, the omega-3 fatt又訊y acids in polyunsaturated fatty ac算藍ids can reduce the amount of linoleic a多對cid extracted from the blood by時水 the cancer, so that the cancer can get關高 rid of one Very much neede月藍d nutrients. Omega-3 fatty 現要acids can also compete with 書花omega-6 fatty acids fo刀現r the enzymes needed in cancer m錢理etabolism, making the cell membranes o聽爸f cancer cells more unsatu土還rated and easily destroyed, inhibit能得ing the growth of tum來匠or cells and reducing the好讀 incidence of tumors. Therefore, it 林弟can prevent certain 腦黃cancers (breast cancer, prostate 綠習cancer, colon cancer, uterine canc物國er): In addition, omega-3 fa就人tty acids (polyunsaturated 睡如fatty acids) can also inc舊在rease the efficacy of radi件那otherapy and chemoth老可erapy. Radiotherapy and chemothera他可py use free radicals ( The bu一老rst of highly active molecules attack跳書ed the cell membrane to ki可唱ll the cell. When the cell membrane i外和s damaged enough, cancer cells will看志 self-destruct. Omega-3 fatty acids mak司對e cell membranes more suscept話通ible to free radical atta自友cks, thereby increasing the efficac男道y of chemotherapy and radio白道therapy. olive 不舞oil is the main component of oli現雨ve oil. Studies by scho裡書lars at Northwestern 中畫University in Chicago have sh商時own that this substance ca理志n not only reduce the risk of紙通 malignant tumors, but also increas舞來e the cure rate even if yo西銀u get malignant tumors.
Olive acid can inhibit風女 the activity of a cancer gene called &就這quot;female nerve sheath-2". A算木fter certain processing日唱 of the protein that can cause breas和那t cancer, it was found that 間理the chance of breast cancer was redu看喝ced by 46%. For those who un村都fortunately suffer from breast cancer,吃可 olive oil can also preven湖舊t its deterioration-olive吧北 oil can improve the therapeutic 年嗎effect of breast cancer treatmen照在t drugs. If there is only a空著 small amount of oleuric acid in act人舊ion, then the cancer cells wil現嗎l gradually adapt to the 對窗environment of oleuric acid and con請木tinue to grow, but if the amount o計地f oleuric acid reaches a suffici紙黃ent amount, the tumor cells 呢樂will be killed.
7. Anti-radiation effect
Because olive oil contains p筆要olyphenols and lipopolysa廠哥ccharides, olive oil also has th那日e function of preven火樂ting radiation, so olive oil i鄉去s often used to make food for astr站子onauts. People who use computers ofte化民n regard it as a good product f內車or health care and skin care. Befor街坐e using the computer身場 for a long time, you 你北can massage your face and eye 下嗎corners with olive oi為數l, or you can use a 說外bath product rich in南知 olive oil to achieve什森 the same effect. Please note th報什at due to the different conte話厭nt of olive oil and laurel 東拿oil, the radiation prote木討ction effect achieved is also diffe老影rent.
8. Make baby food
According to its composi科報tion and digestibility, olive oil is th地姐e most suitable oil for infants. Hal機短f of the baby's calorie務慢s come from the fat in the mother's道技 milk. After weaning, the空商 calories needed are obtain離見ed from the fat in the diet. The ra放煙tio of linoleic acid and li制懂noleic acid, which cannot be synthe中微sized by the human body, in the nu厭理tritional components of olive oi房腦l is similar to that of bre日好ast milk. Postpartum and l輛購actation are good tonics.
9. Anti-aging
Among the many ingredi睡民ents in olive oil, caroten房子e and chlorophyll give 小湖olive oil a yellow-green color, while現年 chlorophyll plays a role in metabo放就lism, promotes cell growth, and acce高這lerates wound healing. It also he離見lps to beautify peopl兵少e's appearance an校得d reduce wrinkles. Exper近章iments have shown th刀刀at the antioxidants c子中ontained in olive oil can elim嗎吃inate free radicals 員妹in the body, restore the hea火上lth of human organs, preven計離t brain aging, and prolong life.
10. Prevent cardiovascular and cerebro美木vascular diseases
Olive oil can protect the員著 cardiovascular system from議我 many aspects. ① It prevents inf醫兵lammation by reducing homocyste金東ine (an amino acid that 亮黑can damage the walls of coronary art來司eries) and reduces damage音靜 to the arterial walls. ② Rel業金ax arteries by increasing愛畫 the content of nitric oxide i他錢n the body and lower blood pressur媽們e. ③The monounsaturated fatty acids可筆 in olive oil can reduce the oxidation 家森of LDA cholesterol. ④ A s算得ubstance called squale兵歌ne contained in olive oil can increa站服se the content of HDL (good cholesterol公行) in the body and reduce the co外身ntent of LDL (bad cholesterol風場). The more HDL cholesterol 雜醫in the body, the more oxidized用房 the arteries. The lower the a放友mount of LDL cholesterol. 美場The latest research proof. After mi對窗ddle-aged men took olive oil, their av兵費erage cholesterol dropped by 13%. A市信mong them, the dangerous "bad&qu票從ot; cholesterol dropped by 21%. ⑤ Oliv輛慢e oil can reduce the spee煙玩d of blood clot format算分ion by increasing th輛老e content of omega-3 fatt海校y acids in the body.
11. Olive oil and blood pressur要家e
Hypertension refers to arteria都些l hypertension. When the human blood p我件ressure reading continues 麗湖to stay above 140/90 mmHg, i購綠t is high blood pressure. Hypert鄉劇ension is one of the main risk 鐵通factors in the development of art短校eriosclerosis. Together 業喝with high cholesterol, sm樹姐oking, obesity, and diab可火etes, it is called the main health 鐘謝problem in developed countries. Like o身照ther risk factors, lifestyl老作e has a direct impact on high兵離 blood pressure. One in four ad師我ults has high blood 場這pressure. Due to its d近公amage to the arteries of t南短he human body, especially睡畫 the arteries that supply bl件錯ood to the heart, ki遠場dneys, brain and eye見喝s, high blood pressure incr火兒eases the risk of premature dea新會th. It is not particularl行低y certain what ingredients in th劇公e Mediterranean diet have an 微少effect on lowering blood pressu員筆re. However, there is evidence that ad你綠ding olive oil to the diet金這 (without changing any othe船窗r form) does have the呢低 effect of lowering blood pressu亮黃re. Regular consumption of oli金文ve oil will lower the sy林年stolic and diastolic 制算blood pressure. Recently, there is evid技會ence that when olive oil is consumed, 車如the daily dose of antihyperten去愛sive drugs that needs to be taken can b用相e reduced. This may be d子紙ue to the reduction of nitric acid 現問caused by polyphenols.
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